Friday 20 November 2009

Thanksgivings (1985)

Have you ever been out in the cold light of dawn
And been left floundering?
I have tried in my time to get next to you
I was like a freight train
It was like a hurricane
All trussed up and wondering which way to go
Which way do I go from here?

Thanksgiving time

The mind at large that lives in us
Oh how it is so patient
There comes a time when it broadens
And we see what we have done
And we gasp to see how sore it is
So picked and distant
What is more is it is ourselves our bodies
But the healing comes shining through

Thanksgiving time

Round the year the seasons change
People die or get older
Sometimes I have felt a yearning to be nearer
Oh, that I am
Nearer to nature's bosom
Nearer to my my true friends and family
There's so much I owe them
Thanksgiving time

Thanksgiving time

Thanksgiving time

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